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English translation for "rotation frequency"


Related Translations:
rotation:  n.1.旋转;轮转;循环。2.【天文学】自转。3.【物理学】旋度。4.轮流,轮换;交替。5.【农业】轮作;【林业】轮伐(期)。短语和例子by [in] rotation 轮换,轮流。
rotation displacement:  旋转移位
crop rotation:  轮作, 轮种轮作法轮作制
unit rotation:  单位转角
rotation error:  旋转误差
character rotation:  字符旋转
pitching rotation:  投球回身动作
worktable rotation:  工作台旋转
domain rotation:  畴转动
rotation wire:  旋转线框
Example Sentences:
1.In dvd focus servo system , the warp of the disc induces periodic disturbance whose frequency is same as the rotation frequency of the disc
2.Time domain synchronous averaging can reduce the signal not coherent to rotation frequency effectively , and extract the repetitive signals directly related to machine operation condition
3.We apply the continuation theorem to the dnls equation and prove that when the damping force 6 and the driving force h satisfy h > , the discrete multibreathers with the rotation frequency exist , where >
4.The ship radiated noise is analyzed and its 4 features are extracted from the envelop spectrum . the envelope of ship noise waveform can be demodulated utilizing hilbert transform , and the spectrum components with line rotation frequency of propeller shaft are extracted effectively by bispectrum , 1 ( 1 / 2 ) spectrum and 2 ( 1 / 2 ) spectrum analysis
对于通过希尔伯特变换解出的舰船辐射噪声包络信号进行高阶统计量分析,有效地提取出了舰船噪声的双谱、 11 / 2维谱、 21 / 2维谱等方面的特征。
Similar Words:
"rotation flow" English translation, "rotation flow method" English translation, "rotation flow system" English translation, "rotation formation" English translation, "rotation frame of reference" English translation, "rotation gas lift" English translation, "rotation gate" English translation, "rotation gear" English translation, "rotation glass" English translation, "rotation grazing cycle" English translation